Latest Update: 2024.04.23
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Free shipping on orders over $150

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on orders over $150



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・コンソメ ・男梅シート・男梅グミ ・ポカリスエット ・クノールカップスープ(男爵ポテト、4種のチーズ) ・混ぜ込みわかめ(たらこ、明太子) ・生しょうがチューブ ・青じそチューブ・すしのこ ・きのこ釜飯の素・米麹 ・かっぱえびせん ・ブレンディスティック(抹茶) (2024/04/23)


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Customers’ Requests

Request Form


We’re committed to actively responding to your product requests, as we hope to run a wonderful online shop that everyone loves, and to make Yuyomart the number one Japanese market in Canada🌱 You are our partner and you can help us build Yuyomart together! Please share your ‘It would be great if Yuyomart carried this product’ requests with us. While we may not be able to make every wish come true, we’re looking forward to hearing from you! 💕

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We may not be able to accommodate all requests.

Almost all our products are made in Japan. In a small handful of cases, because Canada restricts certain meats and other ingredients, we are unable to import the original Japanese products.Some brands have several versions of the same product for different countries, so your instant noodles may be made in the USA under license, for example.In such cases, we indicate the country of manufacture clearly on our website. Thank you for your understanding.

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