0588 ASフーズ 国内産 無着色カリカリ梅 120g / AS Foods Crunch Pickled Plum (no food coloring) from Japan 120g

0588 ASフーズ 国内産 無着色カリカリ梅 120g / AS Foods Crunch Pickled Plum (no food coloring) from Japan 120g

$4.90 CAD

Maximum order quantity: 10

Out of stock

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Weight 0.13 kg
贈り物でしょうか?素敵なラッピングにメッセージを添えて、大切な方にプレゼントを贈りませんか。(有料) / Gift Wrapping for $5


賞味期限/Expiry Date:2024.12.01

Waitlist Request When the product is back in stock, we will notify you. Please enter your email address.