0369 亀田の柿の種 梅しそ 6袋詰 / Kameda Seika Persimmon Seed Plum Perilla 6pcs

0369 亀田の柿の種 梅しそ 6袋詰 / Kameda Seika Persimmon Seed Plum Perilla 6pcs

$5.90 CAD

Maximum order quantity: 10

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Weight 0.178 kg
贈り物でしょうか?素敵なラッピングにメッセージを添えて、大切な方にプレゼントを贈りませんか。(有料) / Gift Wrapping for $5

English below


賞味期限/Expiry Date Best Before:2025-02-25

Yuyomart introduces Kameda Kakinotane Plum Perilla (6pcs)!

Crafted with care and attention to detail, these crunchy snacks are infused with the tangy sweetness of persimmon seed plum and the refreshing aroma of perilla leaves. It’s like a Japanese flavor symphony in every bite!

If you’re looking for something new in your snack routine, these Kakinotane Plum Perilla snacks are perfect! Just grab a pack and get ready to embark on a flavor adventure!

Kameda Kakinotane Plum Perilla is here to take your taste buds on a delicious journey, so say hello to flavor-packed fun – all thanks to Yuyomart and Kameda!

Allergens: wheat, egg, peanut, soybean, chicken, pork

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