0181 ORIHIRO ぷるんと蒟蒻ゼリー 0kcal 白桃+巨峰 / Orihiro Konnyaku Jelly 0kcal Peach & Grape

0181 ORIHIRO ぷるんと蒟蒻ゼリー 0kcal 白桃+巨峰 / Orihiro Konnyaku Jelly 0kcal Peach & Grape

$4.80 CAD

Maximum order quantity: 10

In stock

Weight 0.28 kg

English below



賞味期限/Expiry Date:2025-08-31

Orihiro Zero calorie Konyakku Jelly White Peach + Kyoho grape brought from Japan to you by Yuyomart!

This package contains individually wrapped konjac (konnyaku) jellies in White peach and juicy Kyoho grape flavors. Squeeze them out of their pouches and bite some off–this gives you four or five mouthfuls. Each of the 12 little jellies is slightly chewy, and the fruit flavors are authentic and delicious, not too sweet.

CAUTION: Be sure to chew and savor the fruity flavors before swallowing. Soft jellies may be a choking hazard if swallowed whole or in large pieces, and are definitely not recommended for young children and the elderly.

Allergens: peach

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