0346 ポカリスエット 1L用粉末 5袋入 / Otsuka Pokari Sweat Powder 5P

0346 ポカリスエット 1L用粉末 5袋入 / Otsuka Pokari Sweat Powder 5P

$15.80 CAD

Maximum order quantity: 10

In stock

Weight 0.41 kg
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賞味期限/Expiry Date:2026-01-31

Everyone knows the Japanese sports drink with the unusual name—Pocari Sweat! Yes, it’s called ‘Sweat’. But fear not, this is not a secret ingredient harvested from gym towels! The name ‘Pocari Sweat’ refers to its replenishing properties after exercise, replacing minerals and fluids lost through perspiration.

And now it’s available in the form of a powder mix, with each sachet making 1 liter of the drink. An easy way to enjoy the thirst-quenching beverage that’s such a hit in Japan and beyond, without plastic bottles! Each pack contains 5 sachets of this electrolyte-rich elixir, designed to hydrate and energize you. It’s like a spa day for your cells!

So, whether you’re a hardcore athlete looking to rehydrate after an intense workout, or a casual sipper loving its classic taste, keep this and your water bottle close at hand!

Allergens: none

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