0256 UHA味覚糖 コロロ マスカット / UHA Cororo Muscat

0256 UHA味覚糖 コロロ マスカット / UHA Cororo Muscat

$3.10 CAD

Maximum order quantity: 10

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Weight 0.06 kg
贈り物でしょうか?素敵なラッピングにメッセージを添えて、大切な方にプレゼントを贈りませんか。(有料) / Gift Wrapping for $5


賞味期限/Expiry Date:2025-04-30

Have you tried this unique Japanese gummy candy? Unlike most gummies, this one is not hard and chewy, it is soft and juicy! Cororo muscat gummies are a delicious mix of concentrated muscat juice and fruity texture.
Cororo fruit gummies contain abundant natural fruit extracts and are bursting with flavor. You may also wish to try the grape flavor or the strawberry flavor.

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